domingo, 16 de marzo de 2008

Kathakali en malayalam

Les comparto los blogs de mi amigo Haree -fotógrafo indio de Kerala- donde podrán encontrar hermosas fotos de kathakali y descubrir el hermosísimo lenguaje malayalam (para quienes no hayan visto un blog escrito en malayalam, será una grata sorpresa, y advierto que no entenderán absolutamente nada del lenguaje, pero la grafía es hermosa, toda una obra de arte).

Visiten el blog fotográfico de Haree:
...y su blog en malayalam:

(Haree: I am recomending your foto blog in my language: in spanish, in my country: Mexico. See you around in the web. Thank you for publishing online the beauty of kathakali for all the world. Great pictures. Receive a warm greeting from your friend LUCIA)

2 comentarios:

Haree dijo...

Thank you very much.
It's nice to know that, you are keeping your memories alive. I hope to see you back in Keralam, India; in near future. All the best.


Lucia dijo...

I also hope i will be back soon in my beloved India.
All the best for you also, Haree...

I am not forgetting my idea of making an exhibition of your kathakali pictures in Mexico when it will be possible... time will put the things in order, if it is God's wish it will happen...

see you around, my friend and take care

pinne kaanaam!